Friday, December 5, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree....

Before we headed out to AZ we decided to decorate our Christmas Tree. I gave Tyler the easy job of taking pictures while I dealt with the frustrating job of decorating a tree with a 6,4 and 2 year old. I felt a bit like the Grinch due to my crankiness towards the children throughout the decorating.

Steven spent most of the time begging for me to let him put on some breakable ornaments. After I broke 2 ornaments due to my own clumsiness, I finally relented figuring he couldn't be any worse than me.

Benny took my advice to spread out the ornaments too well and kept squeezing behind the tree almost tipping it over, but at least he was satisfied with only hanging non-breakable ornaments.

Lucy found the old candy canes in the ornament box and proceeded to devour one without permission....

Penny just chilled on the floor throughout the decorating process looking happy and adorable:

And here is the finished product, tippy star and all: 

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