Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Sunday

Here are all the kids decked out in their Christmas church clothes:

For our Christmas countdown on Sunday we did a Christmas light scavenger hunt. Steven and Ben were given a Bingo sheet with pictures of things to find while looking at Christmas lights (reindeer, Santa, wreath...). We were pretty successful at finding all the things on their card, except for a bell and a poinsettia. Maybe next year someone will have those out for us! 

And a few funnies from the week:

This week we went to buy some (Hershey) Kisses and I learned that Ben thinks that isn't their real name but a cute nickname that his Grandma Brady gave them.

I was being a bad mom and listening to a parody on "Do you want to build a snowman?" called "Do you want to hide a body?" Steven came by so I quickly turned it off and said "That's not a good song." Obviously I didn't turn it off fast enough because he asked, "Why? Is it bad to hide a body?"

Steven put a fake spider on my keyboard and I threw it off and pretended to scream. He apparently liked my reaction and wanted to do it again so he said to me "Close your eyes for a big surprise!"  

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