Friday, December 5, 2014

Flying Home

On November 20th we finally got to go back to Arizona to see all our family and friends. The night before our flight there was lots of snow and we were worried that may cause traffic problems so we left extremely early. Well, that was pretty pointless because we just encountered normal traffic, had little problems parking, had no line for checking in and only a few people in front us for security. Everything went SO smoothly it was ridiculous, ridiculously good I should say. But all that smoothness meant we had lots of time to sit and wait for the plane and lots of time for the boys to persistently ask when we would be getting on the plane and why it was taking so long and all those "are we there yet?" questions that drive a parent insane. But at least they're cute....

Once the plane finally came, the flight itself was pretty awful.However, the awfulness had nothing to do with the boys. They did great and were rewarded with a nice Pilot who let them sit in the cockpit when the flight was over:

The awfulness was all in part to two adorable little girls. Penelope had a fussy start and wouldn't nurse most of the time. I had a hard time getting her to sleep and keeping her asleep. She left me feeling on edge the whole time because she seemed constantly just seconds away from a melt down. So near the end, feeling stressed, I handed her over to Tyler and look how happy she was to sit by him:

Should have just left her with him the whole time since she was anti-nursing anyways!

Lucy really lost it near the end of our 4.5 hour flight. I thought that she would take a nap at some point during the flight. She didn't. I thought that she would be plenty entertained with games and movies on the tablet so I didn't pack much else for her to play with. She wasn't. She got restless and started going back and forth between Tyler's row and mine whining and squirming. I tried to give her an endless amount of lollipops to calm her down but apparently a kid can only stand so many lollipops. By the time we got out of the airplane and picked up our luggage, this is what she looked like:

Yes it was a LONG flight and very stressful but we were so glad to be out of the freezing cold and home with family and friends!

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