Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Festivities

These last couple of weeks there has been a lot of sickness going around in our house- runny noses, coughs, stomach bugs... I was lucky enough to get two separate stomach bugs. Both times were super fun (note my sarcasm) but at least Tyler was able to work from home and help with the kids. The runny noses and coughs are still not done with our family but hopefully the stomach bugs are through with us- or at least through with me!

Lucy decided that since we were all so sickly (including herself) that she better put on her nursing gear and get to work healing everyone. I absolutely love these scrubs my mom made her:

Friday night, despite me being sick with a stomach bug all day, we went to our Ward Christmas party. I thought about staying home but I really am trying to be more social and I wanted to see how my kids reacted to Santa. They reacted pretty lamely- no tears, no freaking out ;):

After all the Santa fun I got to feel nauseated as I watched everyone else eat dinner and dessert. After dinner and dessert the kids got go watch "Polar Express" and us adults got to socialize. Tyler says I did a good job of acting like I was feeling just fine while we socialized- I did not feel just fine. The night ended with a Christmas program that included singing by Primary kids (not ours because they were still watching the movie) and a nativity reenactment. It was nice- I think. I was still socializing during it- shameful, I know but like I said, I'm trying to make an effort to be more social.

Despite feeling crappy, I think it was a good night. Penny especially seemed in a good mood afterwards:  

Saturday we went to Bronner's, the World's largest Christmas Store! We had been there once before but we had to return since it was Christmastime. This time it was ridiculously crowded, even finding a parking spot was tricky. Once inside, we got to see all sorts of fun Christmas decorations and each of the kids got to pick out an ornament. Lucy originally picked out a Hello Kitty Ornament: 

But somewhere in our walk to the check out counter, she was no longer carrying it. So while Tyler waited in line we quickly found another ornament. Here is a picture (at home) of all the kid with the ornaments they got. Lucy's last minute find:


As soon as I showed Benny this Pirate Snowman, he knew that was the one he wanted:

Steven wanted that one too and he had a hard time finding another one but eventually settled on one that was similar to Benny's but not the same. A Santa Snowman:

Though there was some tantrum throwing at the very end of the trip (over who got to use a bathroom sink of all things) it was overall a super fun trip:

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