Friday, December 5, 2014

Desert Riparian & Birthday Fun

Before we hung out with Karen and her kids Tuesday afternoon, we spent some time at one of our favorite places, The Desert Riparian (aka "the duck park"). When we lived in Arizona it was only a few minutes away from our house so I would take the kids there all the time when the weather was good. Tyler was always busy with work and school when we would go so it was fun that this time he actually got to go with us. I enjoyed having him there as we revisited our favorite duck park:

However, I was reminded that the duck park isn't always loads of fun when Lucy decided to throw an epic tantrum because we didn't have any milk for her. Seriously that girl is a milk addict and should probably join a support group. But at least I had Tyler there to help me quickly get all the kids back to the car.

That night we celebrated Rebecca's 29th birthday:

The cake was as delicious as it looks! And the kids were having lots of fun together until Lucy discovered that car that Steven is in...

And decided she was opposed to taking turns with Oliver. She turned into a regular terror so we had to cut the night short but it was fun while it lasted! Happy birthday Mecca! We are so glad that you are part of the Brady clan!

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