Friday, December 5, 2014

Time with Friends

Sunday night, Penny came down with a cold and I literally got no sleep that night. She refused to let me put her down and wouldn't even let me sit down, I had to pace the kitchen floor while rocking her. That night definitely tops the my chart of "worst nights ever". But despite the lack of sleep I still managed to have an awesome Monday. I mean how could it not be awesome when, after months apart, I was reunited with my favorite dish from Costa Vida:

It tasted amazing and makes my mouth water just thinking about it! The lunch was made even better because my mom and I were joined by Rebekka Garner and her mom and Rebekka's baby Grace. It was so nice to be reunited with good food, and good friends and it was even more nice to finally meet Rebekka's sweet baby girl:

Then that night -because I just can't get enough of my longest friend- Tyler and I met up with Rebekka and her husband Danny at Mi Amigo's. Real, delicious Mexican food people, something Michigan is majorly lacking! We had way too much fun with them and I was reminded just how much I miss them. Rebekka and Danny are some of the few people who I can be my complete wierdo self with:

Unfortunately that was probably the last time we'll see Rebekka and Danny for a very long time. Danny got a job in Washington State and they'll be moving there in May. I guess now we have an excuse to take a trip to Washington...

On Tuesday Steven, Ben and Lucy were reunited with some of their favorite friends from Arizona: Jaylee, Colin & Logan:

The kids jumped on the trampoline, decorated cookies and played some Minecraft. While they had their fun, I got to catch up with Karen. It was fun to hear what was new in Karen's life and to hear the latest going ons in Lakeside Ward. We sure do miss that place!  

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