Friday, December 5, 2014

Penelope's Baby Blessing

On Sunday we went to Tara's Ward because her and Travis were speaking. After listening to their great talks, Lucy decided her diaper was too full and so she took it off and handed it to Tyler while still in the chapel. That was fun. 

Later that night my family came over to the Hatch Home so we could finally give Penelope Paige Hatch a baby blessing.

Lucy hadn't taken a nap at her normal time (due to taking a power nap on the way home from church) but around 5:30 she was acting so CrAzY she was put in her room and of course, then she fell asleep. This meant that I ended up having to waking her up right before Penny's blessing. She was not happy about this so in hopes of soothing her I gave her milk. However she was congested so during most of the blessing I got to listen to her raggedy breathing as she drank the milk, very distracting. But *I think* Tyler said good stuff in the blessing. He at least got the name right this time!

(excellent photo bomb my Mariah)

Family picture after the blessing, since it was done at Tyler's parent's house, the kids are a bit "casual"

Both sets of Grandparents are equally proud

Aunt Tara & Miss Penny

Uncle Mikey Dude and Aunt Mecca with Sweet P

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