Friday, December 5, 2014

Gilbert Temple & Turkey Day

Wednesday my mom and I did Initiatories at the Gilbert Temple. I seriously can't get over how gorgeous this temple is:

Wednesday was our last day staying with my parents. On Thursday we headed over to Tyler's parent's house where we would be spending the rest of our trip. Once there we got to go get some more pictures, this time with the Hatch Family. There was a nearby "lake" (we would call it a puddle here in Michigan) which, surprisingly, none of the kids fell into but Tyler & Scott had fun skipping rocks in it. Lucy was extremely uncooperative when it came time for our family pictures but despite that, I think there will still be some gems from this photo shoot:

Later on, it was time for the turkey feast!:

After the feast there was lots of playing and chatting...

And then Lucy fell into a turkey coma:

That night I went with Tyler's mom and sisters to Target and Walmart for some Black Thursday shopping. The next morning we did some Black Friday shopping at Kohl's. I didn't actually buy anything (lack of space in suitcases) but it was super fun hanging out in long lines with them. Especially when we got stuck behind a cranky old man that seemed to inspire his sister's to further craziness- pictures with mannequins, loud singing, ballroom dancing...Those silly Hatch girls!  

Saturday I did so more shopping with his sister. This time we went to a Boutique. I could no longer resist buying things and I ended up getting some hair bows and necklaces for the girls and a shirt for me- at least that stuff could easily fit in my suitcase. After shopping we went to Nando's (more tasty Mexican food!!). Keshia's husband, Scott, and daughter,Reese joined us. While there I learned that Reese was a fan of dipping chips in water- it was pretty funny.

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