Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve

Tuesday's Christmas Countdown was a special Christmas lunch- Reindeer sandwiches. His antler's looked bigger in real life....

Tyler was given permission to work from home Tuesday afternoon. It was nice having him home. When he finished working he decided to watch some music videos and of course the kids joined him. Our kids are such addicts to anything electronic:

And for our final day of counting down, we made and decorated cookies for Santa. We all got nice and floury that morning as we rolled out the dough and cut it into shapes:

Then later that day we had some fun decorating them. Lucy spent most of the time licking frosting and eating the candy decorations:

But I still love her!

Penny chilled in her bouncer the whole time:

Tyler spent most of the time decorating this one large cookie:

Steven and Ben did a real good job decorating their cookies. Instead of just blobbing on stuff they actually gave the trees ornaments, the snowmen faces, put wheels on the train,etc. I think having a better selection of candy this year helped with the process:

Here are our works of art:

After making Santa's cookies it was time to open one present- our PJs'! Lucy is getting really good at tearing wrapping paper:

Benny loved his fox Pjs. They had foxes on the feet so when he would run, he would look at his feet so he could see the foxes running too. It was pretty cute! He kept saying "I'm running as fast as a fox!"

I failed Steven in the sizing department again this year. I got him one pair of PJs online that looked too small when I got it, so I bought him a bigger pair at Target. BUT apparently that pair was WAY too big. Ugh! He at least loved the PJs that were too big and wore them anyways (even though I didn't love them, I just got them because they were pretty much the only PJs left at Target- that place had been cleaned out).

The girls seemed happy with their cute wintery PJs:

I got Tyler an awesome t-shirt that appropriately dubs him an Engi-nerd. And his pants had beards and axes on them. Very manly :)

Tyler apparently doesn't think I am normal and bought me a shirt that says "Normal People Scare Me". Ummm...rude.

And here we all are, squished between the couches by the Christmas tree. Yeah for camera timers!

We ended the night by watching "The Christmas Carol"- not the cartoon version but an old black and white version. Tyler loved it- I think he was the only one ;) Once it was over it was off to bed so Santa would come visit!

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