Saturday, November 15, 2014

Happy Baby, Dates & Snow

I think Penny has finally decided to become a happy baby. This little Michigangster has gone a whole week without any of her awful crying fits. This is not to say she doesn't cry, she still does, but now she cries for a reason. She is starting to get into an eat-wake-sleep routine so she fusses when she wakes (hungry) and fusses after she's been awake for awhile (tired) so I now officially know why she's crying and how to fix it. Makes life easier! She has also decided that all naps are to be done in the car or in her swing which I am ok with, I just want to her to be happy! 

Lucy has decided that this week she is officially 2. I thought she was good at throwing tantrums before she turned 2 but I apparently was naive to what a true Lucy tantrum is like. This week I saw them in all their glory and honestly, I could do without them. 

Yesterday, Tyler was off work (because for some reason GM doesn't believe in giving a day off for Veterans but they do believe in giving a day off for the start of hunting season) and so I decided to take just Lucy down to Kohl's with me to do some shopping- have a little date with her. That was stupid. She threw an epic tantrum that ended with her throwing up all over herself when we finally got in the van. Ugh, motherhood.

After my awful date with Lucy I came home, had lunch and regained my sanity. And this time using my brain (because obviously I wasn't before when I decided to take a 2 year old shopping) I came up with a brilliant date idea for me and Ben. We took a walk in the lovely, brisk 30 degree weather down to the bakery and had cookies. This date was much colder but much more successful. I don't think you can go wrong with monster cookies!

Since Steven was at school he didn't get a date with me but he did get something else this week, an inhaler! I am so glad because it seems much more effective then his Nebulizer. Normally even with the Nebulizer it takes him weeks to kick a cough but the cough that started last weekend is already gone and he seems to be breathing just fine. Yeah for medicine done right!


And this week we've had a few moments of light snowfall, nothing major, just a dusting. It is pretty but boy is it COLD! I'm back to layering up and avoiding the outside. I am so excited that next week we will be in sunny AZ. Warmth!!! 

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