Friday, December 5, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

Monday night was our last night in Arizona so we decided to have a get together so we could properly say goodbye to everyone. We were originally going to meet at the Mesa Temple to see the Christmas lights but I thought it might be hard to talk to people there, too big of a space. Since Steven had been begging to make gingerbread houses we changed plans and did that instead. I think that was a good choice because I felt like I got a chance to visit with everyone.

Mikey Dude wasn't feeling crafty but he and Oliver kept me company while I started my house:

Mom got to love on Miss Penny

Poor Mecca wasn't feeling well so she spent most of the night hiding out on the couch. But she still managed a smile for my picture:

While I was chatting with Mecca, Tyler's dad took over my Gingerbread house:

And turned it into something awesome:

I think Benny spent most of the night eating candy rather than decorating with it:

Steven attempted to make a house but then got frustrated when it didn't work. After throwing a fit, he finally ended up making a good one with some help from Tyler.

Tyler and Travis once again competed for "best" Gingerbread House. I think Tyler's house was the clear winner, just sayin'

Lucy had no interest in making a gingerbread house. Instead, she had plenty of fun with her favorite cousin:

I had to get some pics with Mecca before she left:

And Lucy had to get a pic as well:

It was hard to say our goodbyes that night and extra hard to say goodbye to our parents the next day at the airport. It was such a good trip! At least the flight back went MUCH smoother. Penny actually wanted to nurse and Lucy (with some help from Benadryl) slept most of the plane ride. And now we are back in the dreary cold, dreaming of our fun in the AZ sun....

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks awesome! Nice job :) Lucy gives such good hugs. I love all the pictures you took. I think all my friends (that haven't seen me in a while) on facebook think that blessing picture with me and Mike is our new baby. Lol. We should have kept her after all :) Or maybe we were taking Lucy, I can't remember.
