Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gingerbread Houses Part 2

Mondays Christmas Countdown was decorating gingerbread houses with the neighbors. The first time we had done this (with Hatch cousins in AZ) Steven had suffered a major meltdown while trying to make his house. To avoid any epic meltdowns by anyone this time, Tyler spent Sunday afternoon building 8 gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. It was quite impressive!

Monday night we had the 2 kids from next door and the 3 girls from across the street over and the decorating commenced. 

Lucy spent most of the time licking her house and eating frosting:

Benny worked very carefully. Here he is with his finished house:

Steven did not meltdown this time. Instead he spent a VERY long time decorating his house. It was an intense process for him and here he is with his finished product. He insisted on a picture of both the front and back:

Here are our cute neighbor friends decorating. They all seemed to enjoy decorating their houses and surprisingly, they decorated more than they ate candy:


We are so lucky that we have such great neighbors to join us in these Christmas Festivities!

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