Sunday, December 21, 2014

Henry Ford Museum

Our countdown to Christmas continues! Saturday we went to the Henry Ford Museum. We actually just went there by default since Steven's Scout Troop was going there and families were invited but it turned out to be a Christmassy event since Santa was there.

The first thing we saw at the Museum was this awesome LEGO City- it was like "LEGO Movie" had come to life!!!! The boys were mesmerized:

Then we saw the trains:

After seeing some cars and having a snack we snuck off from the Scout Troop and went and saw Santa. There was literally NO line so that was pretty awesome but unlike at our church party, Lucy wanted nothing to do with Santa- not even if I held her. So no Lucy in these pictures:

Tyler and Penny were having a blast- can't you tell? 

The boys riding in a corn harvester:

Going for a drive 

These pictures didn't turn out well but all the kids were having a blast dancing on the green screen to a Prince Video. They were really getting into it:

Overall a good time was had. Steven finally got to know the other Scouts better and he finally made some friends. The rest of us enjoyed all the sights but I think Tyler and I were less successful than Steven at making friends because apparently everyone else there finishes having kids at 2. They would just comment to me "You sure got your hands full" or "I bet you're busy" and then walk away...Oh if I could get a dollar every time I heard that "hands full" comment I would be pretty well off...

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