Sunday, December 2, 2012

Snow Day

So I've been blogging quite a bit this past week & with a new baby girl & the holidays around the corner, I have a feeling you should expect even more posts from me.

Tyler left us this weekend for a scout camp out and I survived miraculously  Also, somehow I got brave and took my kids to a bank sponsored "Community Snow Day" Saturday morning. Rebecca & Oliver joined us and I am thankful she did, it was nice to have someone to talk to and it really helped to have her when the boys wanted to go in separate directions. Anywho, everything was free and everything was fun. The boys especially loved the huge patch of snow (so much that they had no desire to wait in line to see Santa- took away too much snow time).

Steven also decided he wanted to taste the snow and then started pigging out on it- it was quite gross!

Are you surprised to see Lucy sleeping? Of course she slept through all the fun!

Steven LOVED the bouncy obstacle course! This was the one thing he was more than willing to wait in line for (bouncing as he waited). He went on it a handful of times...

They also sat on a fire truck and got balloons and lots of cinnamon rolls and all and all had a great time for the cost of $0 and there were no melt downs. Perfect morning! If they have this again next year, we will definitely be there!


  1. This was their 2nd annual one so I think- and hope- they will continue for years and years and years! Economy permitting, right? :) We love that it's all free and it has all the fun holiday things- Santa, snow and cookie decorating and b/c we live in an awesome climate, other party like things- balloon artists and face painting, photo booths and bounce houses. I really hope next year the boys do not have soccer games that day so we can stay longer
