After we opened are presents at our house, played with them and then got fed and dressed we headed over to Tyler's parent's house where more gifts awaited us and so did Tyler's favorite lunch ever- shrimp cocktail!
Before opening presents, Tyler, Steven, Ben & Mariah attacked Tyler's mom with all his Nerf Guns, evil. And yet she still let us open the gifts she got us.
Inside that present were 2 Spider-Man action figures for Steven:
Ben adores Yoshi so this was obviously such a perfect gift for him:
Lucy got a dress, boots and board books. We obviously had to try on the dress & boots- how adorable is she!? Too bad her head is so floppy and so she looks kind of silly in the pictures below...
Tyler got 2 silly shirts & a pair of pants and I got my favorite gift- Amazon gift cards! We are so spoiled! After lounging around there house for a bit it was time to go my parent's house and get spoiled even more (if that's possible!?).
Before getting spoiled though, Steven randomly threw up. He complained that he had an owie in his mouth and he was going to die and then I took him to the bathroom where he tossed his cookies. Poor kid :( Thankfully it was just that one incident and then he was fine and double fortunately no one else seems to be sick so hopefully it was just too much junk food that caused it....
Rebecca made the boys these super cute finger puppets.

Tyler can now destroy mini worlds!
Ben got a full sized pillow pet at long last!
Steven got the Wii Game "Just Dance for Kids"
Here's my mom with the calendar my boys colored for her:
Grandma got Lucy not 1 but 2 Cabbage Patch dolls. Rebecca got her the cute hair bow. Doesn't she look like she's picking her nose, too funny!
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