Wednesday, December 19, 2012


All it really took was one crazy morning last week and since then I have been feeling less inclined to go out and instead feeling more inclined to just stay home. Which means less fun Christmas activities for the kids...Poor kids....

So what happened? Well it all started with me almost forgetting about Lucy's Dr's appointment. Yes, I remembered it the night before but by that time I already had plans to do productive things and now I had to be unproductive and go to a Dr's office- not my favorite place to tote my children.

Then on the morning of the appointment I got a knock on the door saying they were going to turn off our power in a half an hour so they could switch out our rusty electric box. At first I thought no big deal, we have to leave in like 40 minutes anyways. But then I remembered I needed to try to cook dinner before we left (since I was tutoring in the afternoon) so I quickly made one of my easiest/fastest dishes- pizza rolls- and finished them just in the nick of time! The power turned off a few minutes after my food finished and a little bit later I gathered up the kids to head out...only I sort of forgot that a garage door runs on power. 

As I was beginning to panic about how I was going to muscle open the garage door, the power miraculously turned back on (maybe they heard me panicking!?) so I rushed out of the garage and off to Lucy's appointment. 

Well, in my hurry I left the diaper bag at home (in the garage to be more specific). Only a mother taking 3 kids to a Dr's appointment can truly understand the devastation of not having her diaper bag. First off it created problems with check in since I didn't have my insurance card and second off I had nothing. No diapers, no pacifier, no nursing cover, no toys or snacks for the boys- NOTHING! And of course Lucy woke up fussy the second we got there & of course we had to wait longer than we ever have before & of course she pooped & of course the boys were not entertained by the movie in the waiting room & of course Lucy was traumatized by her 1 shot & of course...It was a Very. Long. Appointment. 

Once survived, I took the children to my mother's house & collapsed. And since then, I have been avoiding major outings. Home is just so much nicer...

On a positive note Lucy is growing amazingly. At her 1 month appt. (technically she was 5 weeks) she weighed 10lbs 3oz (75%) and her height is 23inches (90%). 

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