Thursday, November 29, 2012

4 Weeks

Lucy is 4 weeks old today! I hope I don't jinx things but the last 4 nights have been really great- so much better than before. She does her last feeding around 8:30/9:30 & then doesn't wake up until about 12:30/1:30 & then 3:30/4:30 & then she's up officially around 6:30/7:30. So officially she only wakes up about twice in the night.

And the best part of nights now is that when I put her down after feeding her, she sleeps! Before I had to rock her forever to get her to sleep without whining but now as long as she's swaddled really well I can just hold her for a few minutes after nursing her, put her down, and she's out with no tears. So nice and I hope this continues and we don't regress at all. 

During the day Lucy is doing better at the eat-wake-sleep thing. She is never awake long after eating (usually just 30 minutes) but at least she's awake after eating without me having to hassle her too much. However, she tends to be fussy during the wake part which I'm not so happy about. I'm thinking she may have gas issues so that's definitely something I will talk to the dr about if it doesn't improve soon....And like at night, the sleep thing has gotten better. No more rocking, just swaddling and then down in her bed for a nap. Unlike night though, she does fuss sometimes but usually no more than 10 minutes of fussing and she's asleep.

As I said, hopefully I haven't jinxed all the good things that are happening because she really is doing so much better with everything and I would like things to continue that way.

And after a crazy day yesterday ( I took all 3 kids grocery shopping with me- I must be nuts!), I decided we needed to go somewhere that calms me so I took my 3 little ones to see the Mesa Temple Lights. It was such a great idea- Lucy slept the whole time and the boys had so much fun- they kept pointing to different lights and saying "Look!"  I so needed to spend some time with my boys where I was not yelling at them and just enjoying being with them. It was a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Youre such a good mom! Glad you were able to find some non crazy time with your kiddos.
