Thursday, December 27, 2012

Making Santa's Cookies

Every year we make cookies for Santa but I have always felt like there are too many cookies for us to decorate so this year I invited my parents and my brother's family to come help us. It was way fun and I think I'll be inviting them to help out every year.

My mom had been given a roll of cookie dough so she brought it over and helped us with rolling and cutting it out. 

Ben kept sneaking bites of cookie dough and if he got caught he would flash a sheepish grin- it was pretty cute

Mecca & Oliver did a good job of supervising us


Once the cookies were done and cooled off it was decorating time. Everyone participated (except for Lucy & Oliver who were sleeping) and we all had fun making fun of each other's cookies. We are such a loving family ;) 

Daddy had to help Ben with decorating a lot because all he wanted to do was eat the cookies

You may not be able to see it but Mike made a smiley face cookie that we decided must be Oliver

My mom had wanted me to make a melting snowman cookie so I did. But it wasn't quite up to her par- apparently I was supposed to actually melt the marshmallow....

Tyler being gross as he poses with his cookies

Steven was the opposite of Ben- he had too much fun decorating his cookies and loaded them with every topping imaginable. Tyler warned him that those cookies might give Santa a heart attack so Steven decided not to give his to Santa...

In the end everyone had just the right amount of cookies to decorate and we weren't left with too many. We just had the perfect amount for Santa with just a few leftover for us to eat. Excellent work Brady/Hatch Family!

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