Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Morning

The night before Christmas I told Steven he couldn't get up until either the sun came up or mommy got up with Lucy. At 6am Lucy started to stir and seconds later Steven was in my room, brimming with excitement saying, "Santa took down my stocking. He can't take them down!" Which translated into, "I wanna go see my presents now!" Unfortunately, I am an evil mom and wanted to document his reactions so I wouldn't let him go downstairs until I finished feeding Lucy. He had such a hard time waiting and kept going to the stairs and sneaking peeks at the fireplace. 

When he was finally able to go see what Santa gave him (which was the "BatmanVille" he had been asking for, for weeks), this is the lame reaction he gave us:

Lucy, however, gave us this really "thrilling" reaction to the princess duck Santa gave her:

And me, being such a big goober, gave this awesome reaction to the new, fancy, digital video camera Santa got me. No more discs for me! Wahoo!

However, when Ben finally woke up and toddled down the stairs, I think he gave the best reaction. He was super happy about his new Batman toy:

Daddy got a Nerf Gun from Santa but seemed much more excited about his Lord of the Rings LEGO set I got him:

And after all the presents were unwrapped (which went way to quickly for Steven he tore through them and less quickly for Ben who needed help) we had to take our traditional picture in front of the Christmas tree with all our gifts:

Steven didn't want to smile cause he was too busy playing with his new toy:

I love Ben's smile in this one, notice how the boys got pretty much the same things in an attempt to prevent fights:

Poor Lucy got stiffed on presents- just a teapot (which the boys have already claimed and have been playing with), princess ducky and hair bow but she doesn't know any better yet....

I got spoiled as always with the video camera, a massage pillow, a sweater and some cute accessories:

Tyler, as always, with all his childish presents:

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