Sunday, December 9, 2012

Amazing Jake's

My parent's insurance company once again threw a Christmas party at Amazing Jake's and we were lucky  enough to be invited to it. And now that Mike & Mecca have baby Oliver, they were lucky enough to be invited as well ;). Sadly though, my mom was at the Temple and couldn't come and Tyler was working and didn't make it either. We missed having them there but somehow we were still able to have a good time.

It was nice to have my dad and Mike there to ride the rides with my boys while Rebecca and I hung out with the babies. Here they are on the high speed train ride:

Here they are pretending to play a game since this time the party didn't provide money for the games, just the rides (but hey it was free so no complaints from me):

Then they had to wait FOREVER to ride the bumper cars but it was SO worth it. Steven had fun trash talking the other drivers (he wanted to be first) and Ben looked so chill with his arm resting on the door. It was cute to watch them go around and around:

Lastly but definitely the best part, Santa came! Even Lucy got to meet him (but Santa wasn't so good at supporting her head). The boys had fun telling him what they want (both told him they want Batman toys much more doable than the DS Steven wrote to Santa about...):

Amazing Jake's is definitely amazing and fun was had by all! Pizza, candy, cookies, ice cream, train ride, roller coaster ride, bumper cars, and SANTA! Best day ever ;)

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