Monday, December 3, 2012

Lucy's Blessing Day

On Sunday, December 2, 2012, Lucy was blessed in the Lakeside Ward by her daddy. Her Great-Grandpa Potter, Grandpa Brady, Grandpa Hatch, Uncle Mike, Uncle Travis, Uncle Logan & Uncle Scott stood in her blessing circle. Her daddy had a hard time in the beginning and instead of saying her name only "Lucy Louise Hatch," he added one of his Grandma Peggy Louise's middle names and said "Lucy Louise Smith Hatch." He said he's not sure where it came from, he guesses he was just thinking of his grandma. Don't worry Lucy! We are not giving you 2 middle names- you are still just Lucy Louise Hatch :) After his little mistake, he did a good job with the blessing, asking for lots of good things.

After Lucy's blessing we had a get together at our house that included lots of yummy food. Most everyone was able to stick around for it.

Lucy wore the same dress that I wore on my blessing day- it was made by my mom:

We had to put the bonnet on and when I compared it to my blessing day picture- oh my goodness does she look like me! Poor thing!

The best picture we could get of all of us, Steven is not into posing anymore:

1 comment:

  1. SO cute with the bonnet!! Except now we need to see the picture with you in the bonnet to compare...!
