Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

Last year the Hatches decided to start the tradition of making gingerbread houses (technically graham cracker houses) a few days before Christmas. This year we did it the Sunday night before Christmas and it was loads of fun. Tyler made the "glue" (aka the frosting) and then got right down to work building our house. I had wanted to be different and make an Angry Bird course but was out voted by Steven who insisted it HAD to be a house. Once Tyler finished with the house (that was even equipped with a balcony) Steven & I got to decorate it. Steven helped put M&M's on the roof and gum drops on the front yard. Benny helped by eating the supplies so we wouldn't have to decorate so much ;)

I didn't get pictures of the others creations but Logan & Melissa made skyscrapers who everyone called the twin towers when they fell (we are sick people aren't we!?). Keshia & Scott made a skating rink, full of sour patch kid's skaters doing all sorts of tricks. His sister Tara made a really awesome house. Jezerea & Mariah made Judgement Day!? It had the great and spacious building among other things.... Travis made a house that didn't quite live up to high standards he set for himself last year- it kept falling apart :(

Steven being a cheese ball as he anxiously waits for daddy to finish making the frosting

Their silly cousin Bryson

Daddy hard at work

Steven getting grumpy because he's tired of waiting to decorate

Ben is happy of course because he's been stealing & eating supplies

Lucy slept through most of the house making

Before decorations

And all of us showing it off after the decorations

Check out the balcony!

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