Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lucy Lou at 5 Weeks

I've decided maybe it's pointless to try and keep weekly updates on Lucy's feeding schedule since every time I think we actually have a schedule or things are going especially great I find out I am terrible wrong. 

For example, there were two nights when she had a 7 hour stretch between feeding and I got all excited about it (she ate around 8:30 & then woke up at 3:30) and then...she went back to waking up twice during the night )12:30, 3:30) . She is only 5 weeks but I sure would've loved her to only wake up once during the night, it was beautiful. 

Anyways she will get me thinking that we have a good consistent schedule or that she is doing perfectly with the eat-wake-sleep thing or that she is an excellent napper and then she'll throw in a bad day or 2  where she doesn't cooperate with anything or one that changes the whole schedule permanently. So, note to self, no permanent schedule or greatness at 5 weeks. Maybe at 8 weeks?

And here are some adorable pictures of Lucy all dressed up for her first 3 hour church day. She did so good at church and so did the boys. It was a good Sunday :)

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