Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always spent at Tyler's parent's house. We started out with a delicious dinner of both ham & turkey in which I helped contribute the mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are lots of work so I did some make ahead ones and everyone said how amazing they were but I think they were just being nice. To me they tasted average but average is good enough for me :)

After dinner we opened up our PJs. This year I tried to be matchy and all my kids got nice striped PJs. 

If only I could have got a decent picture of all 3 of them in their jammies. In the first one Ben is all far from Steven but then in the next one, Steven's got Lucy in a head lock- that was him trying to keep her head up...

Tyler & I aren't pictured in our pj's but I got Tyler an awesome shirt that said "Super Heroes have have issues too" and he was sweet enough to get me a shirt that has a big pig and says "Mmm. I smell bacon!" 

After opening the pj's Tyler's dad read the story of Christ's birth. Bryson said he wanted to follow along with his Poppy but he got super bored and it was pretty funny to watch him near the end as he sighed deeply and stared at the ceiling. 


After we finished the story we all got in our cars and drove around a nearby neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. When that was done we roasted marshmallows & Starbursts in the backyard. It was an excellent ending to our nights. We then headed home and put the boys in bed. Steven wanted me to go to bed too asap so Santa could come. He was so stinkin' excited!

And before I forget, I must share a funny story. Earlier that night when I was changing Lucy's diaper, Bryson came by and said, "When her gonna grow a penis?" It was too funny! His mom had to explain to this boy who is surrounded by brothers & boy cousins that Lucy is a girl and has girl parts instead. He then wanted to know how she went pee. Oh Bryson :)

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