Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snow Day!

Every year we take a trip to see the snow- that's what people who live in Gilbert, AZ do- instead of the snowbirds that flock away from it, we flock to it. Usually we go with all of my family but there were lots of lame-O's who couldn't come this year- Tyler was plumbing, my mom was working in the temple, & Mecca had to stay behind with sick Oliver. So it ended up just being me, my dad, my brother Mike & my kids that headed to Payson. 

My kids did relatively well on the drive up, little crying from Lucy and very few complaints from the boys. When we got to Payson we ate at McDonald's & then we headed up along the rim until we came to the perfect patch of snow. We found a nice snowy spot that we had been to a couple of years ago. This spot is not my favorite because it is super windy and I can't cope with the wind when it's already cold. But I didn't venture out into for very long so I suppose I can't complain.

After decking out the boys:

I had to feed Lucy and by the time I was done, these crazy boys:

...Had long since disappeared with their poppy & Uncle Mike into the woods:

While there, I later learned that Steven had a little trouble keeping his pants on (apparently the adjustable band needed some adjusting) but he didn't seem to let that get in his way:


When all the crazy boys finally came back into view, me & Lucy took our snow picture as proof that we were actually there:

And then we quickly returned to our toasty van accompanied by Ben:


While Steven continued to enjoy the snow with this Poppy & Uncle Mikey Dude:

And once they had all had their fill of snow we headed home.

I am so grateful for an excellent dad and brother who played in the freezing cold with my boys while I hid away in the van. And I am also thankful that my brother who took such great pictures for me. And although I basically spent the trip in my van, I enjoyed most of my time 'cause I got to hang out with my excellent dad & brother. They're the bestest :)

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