Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So I need to complain a bit and then I'll move on to happy and positive posts. Life can be so frustrating so sometimes I just need a good vent.

1st: I took Ben to the ENT and of course he magically stopped drooling the day before leaving me with no evidence to show the doctor. Now I would like to be excited and say it's done but this happened before (remember when I blogged what I thought was the end of the drool?) and it was only temporary. With no evidence and no physical signs of anything wrong, the doctor's verdict is that he will out grow it (or already has). Is it bad that I really wanted something to be wrong? The amount of drool that kid produces just can't be normal.

2nd: I took Steven to the dentist. He did SO good! I was so proud of what a big boy he was being- proud to the point of near tears (yes I am becoming one of those emotional moms). Then...the dentist came to look at his teeth and it was problem central. By the end of his visit I wanted to cry for completely different reasons. His teeth are a downright mess, just like mine. A couple crowns and quite a few cavities. And teeth are so expensive to fix, especially when an anesthesiologist has to come in and to put him under (which is apparently not covered by medical or dental insurance). It'll be over $1000 to fix his teeth which is hard to swallow when you know he will eventually loose them anyways. At least we have a savings or I have no idea   what we would do about his failing teeth.

3rd: My laptop's wireless card has died. This means I am now sharing a computer with Tyler (since all I ever use is the internet anyways). And with homework to do, he gets priority. No more spending my evenings on Facebook and Pinterest. I suppose that's one way to end my addictions...

4th: My back is still giving me grief. Which stinks because I was finally enjoying running. Running was, at long last, not feeling so torturous and I finally felt like my speed was improving. Maybe the quicker speed is the culprit of the pain, though. Ugh.

5th: We moved to a new place for tutoring. At first I was excited- it's always fun to be somewhere new! But it's not so fun when the new place is much smaller and I am now less than a few feet away from my boss with little separating us as we tutor. This means me and my first grade clients have to be quiet. So hard to play fun learning games AND be quiet. Lousy.

Now I'll stop whining and post something super positive and happy that you must read so you don't get annoyed by my negativeness. Thanks for listening friends :)

1 comment:

  1. ugh. LAST week was supposed to be your lousy week. no fair that it carried over into this week. plus mike told me how you couldn't go to your appointment yesterday. how random and annoying!
