Sunday, January 15, 2012

Proof That My Boys Are Silly

First of all they photograph about as well as I do....

Second: When Steven was asked what this Popsicle tasted like, his reply was "It tastes like a rocket ship!" (Duh!)

Third: Ben has moved to a big boy bed! One morning I heard his little cries of awakening while I was in my bathroom. I took my sweet time heading to his room. When I arrived he was nowhere to be seen so I thought maybe Tyler had slipped past me and brought him downstairs. So I took down the baby gate we have at his door, turned off his humidifier and was about to head downstairs when I heard a cry again. Flabbergasted I looked around for the missing child, only to find him comfortably nuzzled underneath his bed. He gave me a grin and waited patiently as I pulled him out from under his bed (but I must admit that I ran and got Tyler before rescuing him- I only wished I had grabbed a camera too so I could have permanently documented it!)

Lastly: Ben & Steven were taking a bath last night when Steven suddenly shouted, "Ben! Don't drink the water!!" I (Queen of Silly Questions) asked "Why not?" Steven replied, "Because I just peed in it...." Way to look out for his younger brother eh!? Only younger brother got his revenge not too long later by pooping in the tub. Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. We need no proof of your boys' silliness!
