Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reoccurring Problems

Awhile back we had been told that Steven might have asthma but they said they couldn't officially diagnosis it until he was older. Well, now they are officially diagnosing it, my Steven has asthma. Hence all the crazy coughing for the last couple of weeks (and last few years). Thankfully, we are back on Tyler's excellent insurance so we can afford to put him back on Singulair. We were also able to get our own "smoke machine" as Steven so affectionately calls it- no more borrowing it from the Dr's office. I hope this gets him back to perfect health because I SO would love to sleep through the night again and I would SO love for him to sleep through the night as well- he's pretty cranky when he's lacking in sleep.

Another reoccurring problem in my life- my teeth. Last week I went to the dentist and found out that I have 5 cavities and 1 way messed up tooth. The messed up tooth had the option of a $2000 crown & root canal or I could get it pulled for free thanks to my amazing sister-in-laws who work for an oral surgeon. I went for the free option. After all the tooth above this rotten tooth had already been pulled so it wasn't like it was really doing anything anyways. 

So as of Monday I am another molar down- thankfully the whole pulling ordeal was rather pain free. And now I just have to get 5 cavities filled. Super exciting. 

1 comment:

  1. maybe you should just pull those other 5 teeth with cavities and then you'll be an official hick ;) and lets not call it the smoke machine. it scares me and makes me think of the smoke monster from LOST. lol.
