Saturday, January 28, 2012

Preschool Field Trip

On Friday Steven's Preschool went on a field trip to the Fire Station. The kids had fun listening to the alarm go off in the station, seeing the firemen's awesome exercise room, sitting inside the big fire truck and watching a fireman get decked out in all his gear. They, however, weren't so focused when the chief was telling them all the ins and outs of how the station functions- that was definitely more for the moms. One of my favorite parts though was when the fireman called on one child to stand up and instead of just getting one standing child, he got the whole class standing. I also liked how timid they all were to touch the geared up fireman's hand. He definitely looks scary through the eyes of wee ones. It was a totally different experience than when I took my second grade class to the fire station but still way fun. Our preschool class is SO cute!

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