Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Veggie Tales

I am excited to announce that my little garden has finally produced something we can eat! Broccoli! Steven, my little broccoli lover, insisted on eating our first fruits of our labor. Since he has been very helpful at destroying the evil weeds that insist on entering our garden, I allowed him to eat it.

And I suppose the fact that I don't like broccoli also might have been another reason for letting him eat it but anyways, here he is proudly showing off his broccoli:

Now take note of Ben in the background of these next few pictures....

Since Ben has to do everything that Steven does, while I was busy focusing on photographing Steven, Ben got into the trash can and found an uneaten, old, grilled-cheese sandwich. He, of course, insisted on being photographed with it and insisted on taking a bite of it so he could be just like Steven. 

I, being the amazing mom that I am, allowed him to eat the garbage sandwich. Aren't I a great mom!?

And here is a preview of what is to come at Steven's 4th Birthday party:

That's right I made that free hand with some poster board, paint and sharpie! We're gonna play some "Pin the Beak on the Angry Bird" yo!


So I need to complain a bit and then I'll move on to happy and positive posts. Life can be so frustrating so sometimes I just need a good vent.

1st: I took Ben to the ENT and of course he magically stopped drooling the day before leaving me with no evidence to show the doctor. Now I would like to be excited and say it's done but this happened before (remember when I blogged what I thought was the end of the drool?) and it was only temporary. With no evidence and no physical signs of anything wrong, the doctor's verdict is that he will out grow it (or already has). Is it bad that I really wanted something to be wrong? The amount of drool that kid produces just can't be normal.

2nd: I took Steven to the dentist. He did SO good! I was so proud of what a big boy he was being- proud to the point of near tears (yes I am becoming one of those emotional moms). Then...the dentist came to look at his teeth and it was problem central. By the end of his visit I wanted to cry for completely different reasons. His teeth are a downright mess, just like mine. A couple crowns and quite a few cavities. And teeth are so expensive to fix, especially when an anesthesiologist has to come in and to put him under (which is apparently not covered by medical or dental insurance). It'll be over $1000 to fix his teeth which is hard to swallow when you know he will eventually loose them anyways. At least we have a savings or I have no idea   what we would do about his failing teeth.

3rd: My laptop's wireless card has died. This means I am now sharing a computer with Tyler (since all I ever use is the internet anyways). And with homework to do, he gets priority. No more spending my evenings on Facebook and Pinterest. I suppose that's one way to end my addictions...

4th: My back is still giving me grief. Which stinks because I was finally enjoying running. Running was, at long last, not feeling so torturous and I finally felt like my speed was improving. Maybe the quicker speed is the culprit of the pain, though. Ugh.

5th: We moved to a new place for tutoring. At first I was excited- it's always fun to be somewhere new! But it's not so fun when the new place is much smaller and I am now less than a few feet away from my boss with little separating us as we tutor. This means me and my first grade clients have to be quiet. So hard to play fun learning games AND be quiet. Lousy.

Now I'll stop whining and post something super positive and happy that you must read so you don't get annoyed by my negativeness. Thanks for listening friends :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Last night while the boys were away cleaning the office I decided my hair was in desperate need of a change. A hair cut wasn't the change I wanted since doing anything drastic with it would mean I would probably need to actually style it every morning so I came up with a different option. I headed over to Target, bought some dye for $6.99 and when Tyler came home I enlisted his help in dying my hair. I tell you I am so hair retarded that I can't even dye my hair on my own. Anyways, here are the results of this spontaneous change:

I now have dark brown hair and have decided that I may make dying my hair a monthly ritual because it's a pretty fun to have new hair in less than an hour. Maybe next month I'll go purple...what do you think?

Preschool Field Trip

On Friday Steven's Preschool went on a field trip to the Fire Station. The kids had fun listening to the alarm go off in the station, seeing the firemen's awesome exercise room, sitting inside the big fire truck and watching a fireman get decked out in all his gear. They, however, weren't so focused when the chief was telling them all the ins and outs of how the station functions- that was definitely more for the moms. One of my favorite parts though was when the fireman called on one child to stand up and instead of just getting one standing child, he got the whole class standing. I also liked how timid they all were to touch the geared up fireman's hand. He definitely looks scary through the eyes of wee ones. It was a totally different experience than when I took my second grade class to the fire station but still way fun. Our preschool class is SO cute!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lessons Learned

 When I woke up today with an aching back that required an excess amount of Ibuprofen to be subdued, I should have taken that as a signal of what was to come. But I didn't. Maybe even the sore jaw from getting 3 cavities filled yesterday or the fact that my monthly curse was still cursing me should have clued me in. But nope. I was still excited to sub in a 5th grade class because I love 5th graders!

Even in the beginning I was feeling good about this sub job. We had an awesome assembly with author Obert Skye (of Leven Thumps series) and at the assembly I saw a ton of my students from when I taught second grade. So neat to see them all grown up and now sixth graders. A good day! Right...?


But then there was kickball. Oh, kickball. The teacher had on his plans for us to play kickball since they had no specials. This was all fine and dandy until a child with anger issues decided to throw the ball over the fence and into the parking lot. But we were able to safely retrieve it thanks to someone walking by. However, the other students were still feeling upset with this child and they voiced those feelings loudly. 

Their frustrations only served to further anger this child. He then decided to make a mad dash to the opposite end of the playground, scale the fence like a monkey and plop down on the other side of the gate, off school grounds and right next to a street. I panicked, I ran and then I desperately begged that child to come back. I was a lonely, only with no walkie talkie to contact for help and terrified that this kid was going  dash into the street or get kidnapped, or.... Thankfully I was able to persuade him to climb back over. Disaster averted. 

Sadly there had to be one more blemish in my day and it was due to my own stupidity.  It's never a good idea to break rules so when I allowed the students to listen to their I-Pods I should have expected what followed seeing how electronics are banned from this school. It's just I figured their chattiness would easily be cured with headphones in their ears and that maybe they would actually get some more work done. And honestly, it was working like a charm. The students got quieter and they got down to business. It was fabulous...until the principal walked in.

I was busted. And what's worse is I used to work at this school and she used to be my boss and she was never very nice to me anyways...So I got reprimanded. I felt embarrassed, the students increased in volume again and I had to tattle on myself in a note to the teacher. Ugh. What makes it worse? I know this teacher. What makes it even worse? This has been by far the school that I get requested to sub at the most. So I am both worried about having to see the principal and this teacher again and on the same side worried that I won't because the requests might diminish after these fiascoes.

So kids there you have it, don't anger a child that can scale a gate and it never pays to break the rules. Two great lessons I learned today.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My New Wall Art

So today I finished those unfinished craft projects I spoke of yesterday. Here is our bedroom's new wall art:

The key to my heart made of random objects I spray painted & I spray painted the frame to match- I really wanted to add some color to our room.

 Here is a butterfly. The wings are made from my boy's hand prints. And once again I spray painted the frame.

I got the wooden letters and frame from Hobby Lobby- both on sale!

And with the help of 2 pictures I had hanging around the house here is the final result:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Week....

I have wasted many hours "pinning" on Pinterest and FINALLY this week I decided to do a few of those things. I have a couple things that are still in process but these are a few things I finished:

These will go up on the wall in our room where they will hopefully look better than they do sitting on the floor. I made them with Styrofoam blocks, scrapbook paper and ribbon.

 This is hanging up outside our door. I made it using a wooden H, river rocks and a little ribbon. It cost me $1.15! I only wish our house was painted blue so that it stood out a little better.

This week Steven has grown even more fond of his bird (if that's possible). It must go where he goes and it is constantly making a high pitched "Tweet!" One day I asked Steven what it was saying and he said it's saying "Tweet!" Man I can be so oblivious! 

Thursday evening we were driving home from grandma's house and Steven was flipping out because he thought we left his bird there. When we arrived home he said, "Mom, I can hear my birdie. He's saying: Tweet! Tweet!" And lo and behold he clearly could have heard him because I found him smashed in the diaper bag where I had forgotten I had put him.

Ben is Ben. He is still drooling like crazy so I have finally decided it's time to set up an appointment to meet with an ENT- he is almost two and I hate that I still have to put him in bibs. 

This week he also found the perfect hidey-hole for diaper changing time. He does not love it when I need to change his diaper or his clothing.

But unfortunately for him, not only have I been on a crafting kick but I have also been on an organization kick. And I was very tired of those colorful drawers because they were always falling off their track and the boys were constantly mixing things up. So I destroyed his hiding place and now we have this loveliness instead:

Lastly, this week I got another client to tutor! That makes 5 now and I have 2 more consultations! If those pan out I will only need to sub 1 day a week instead of 2- Yippee!

P.S. Yes, I still have a husband. His days are filled with school, work & scouts. Although he did switch it up and take me out Saturday night to Olive Garden & Hobby Lobby (and he especially loved going to the latter place :) )

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Proof That My Boys Are Silly

First of all they photograph about as well as I do....

Second: When Steven was asked what this Popsicle tasted like, his reply was "It tastes like a rocket ship!" (Duh!)

Third: Ben has moved to a big boy bed! One morning I heard his little cries of awakening while I was in my bathroom. I took my sweet time heading to his room. When I arrived he was nowhere to be seen so I thought maybe Tyler had slipped past me and brought him downstairs. So I took down the baby gate we have at his door, turned off his humidifier and was about to head downstairs when I heard a cry again. Flabbergasted I looked around for the missing child, only to find him comfortably nuzzled underneath his bed. He gave me a grin and waited patiently as I pulled him out from under his bed (but I must admit that I ran and got Tyler before rescuing him- I only wished I had grabbed a camera too so I could have permanently documented it!)

Lastly: Ben & Steven were taking a bath last night when Steven suddenly shouted, "Ben! Don't drink the water!!" I (Queen of Silly Questions) asked "Why not?" Steven replied, "Because I just peed in it...." Way to look out for his younger brother eh!? Only younger brother got his revenge not too long later by pooping in the tub. Lovely.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reoccurring Problems

Awhile back we had been told that Steven might have asthma but they said they couldn't officially diagnosis it until he was older. Well, now they are officially diagnosing it, my Steven has asthma. Hence all the crazy coughing for the last couple of weeks (and last few years). Thankfully, we are back on Tyler's excellent insurance so we can afford to put him back on Singulair. We were also able to get our own "smoke machine" as Steven so affectionately calls it- no more borrowing it from the Dr's office. I hope this gets him back to perfect health because I SO would love to sleep through the night again and I would SO love for him to sleep through the night as well- he's pretty cranky when he's lacking in sleep.

Another reoccurring problem in my life- my teeth. Last week I went to the dentist and found out that I have 5 cavities and 1 way messed up tooth. The messed up tooth had the option of a $2000 crown & root canal or I could get it pulled for free thanks to my amazing sister-in-laws who work for an oral surgeon. I went for the free option. After all the tooth above this rotten tooth had already been pulled so it wasn't like it was really doing anything anyways. 

So as of Monday I am another molar down- thankfully the whole pulling ordeal was rather pain free. And now I just have to get 5 cavities filled. Super exciting. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I don't usually blog about family drama since that makes our private issues very public but for some reason I just keep feeling like I need to do this. It seems that we are losing Mary and I'm not sure when/if we'll see her again so I wanted to write her a goodbye note. I want to have date stamped proof that we love her because I worry about the things her parents will tell her about us. I worry that she'll think we didn't love her. I worry that she will grow up hating us. I worry too much...

Dear Mary,

Since your parents are not allowing me to see you or speak to you one last time, I want to write you a goodbye note. I know they would never show it to you so I won't send it to you. I write it here in hopes that someday I can show it to you. That someday (soon?) our paths will cross again and in a positive way...

I want you to know that we love you. Your grandparents fought hard to gain visitation rights when your parents did not want you to see them anymore. They won but now your parents are once again taking those rights away and refusing to allow us to see you. Your grandparents love you but they know your parents will never give up. I think not fighting back this time is one of the hardest things we've had to do as a family. 

We don't want to abandon you and I hope that you don't feel abandoned. You are family. You are my niece. You are beautiful and you are special. My boys adore you, Steven follows you around like an annoying little brother. He wants to do everything you do. And I have so many sweet memories of you. I remember teaching you to use "nice hands" when you were little. I remember our trip to Colorado, me a newly wed, and you like our little daughter. We loved traveling with you, tantrums and all. I remember going to see the snow with you and a hike we recently took. You're such a trooper. I remember a million Sunday dinners and you and your choosy seating (usually by Mike & Mecca) and you and your picky appetite (and peculiar appetite-- frozen peas & frozen chicken nuggets!). I remember your instance on a "ride around the block" with Mike. I remember the contraband bubble gum I got you for your birthday and how one pack of gum made you unbelievably happy. I remember your sweet hugs and your sweet smile.

Mary you are a part of my life and I hope that this isn't the end forever. I hope you remember the love that my family has for you. I hope you can see past the things your parents tell you and hope that your new mom will take care of you. She has fought so hard to get us away from you but she can't keep you out of our thoughts and prayers. And she can never stop us from loving you.

Until we meet again.

Lots of love,
Aunt Jenny

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our 6th Anniversary

I never do seem to remember to take a camera when we go on our anniversary dates so I have no pictures of them but they are always a lovely getaway from life. 

This year we went to The Melting Pot- an anniversary favorite. It is super expensive so I was debating going but a sweet gift from Tyler's grandparents paid for all but our tip. I am so grateful for that! The four course meal there is delicious and we love the private booths- makes for a peaceful dinner. I found this picture of our favorite course of the night...

After the melting pot we went and saw "Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows." Tyler loves the first movie and we were both equally pleased with the second one. Lots of exciting action and silly humor.

After that we thought about doing something else since our "roommate" Pattie was watching the boys and we didn't need to worry about picking them up but we both realized we were pooped and just wanted to go home and sleep. Totally lame sauce, I know. But all in all it was the perfect anniversary. I can't believe I've been with this man for 6 years and I am excited that we have an eternity left with each other...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pattie & Leia

Pattie & baby Leia (aka LaLa) are in town to nanny and once again we were lucky enough to have them stay with us (we even had her hubby Brian staying with us during Christmas week which made Tyler super happy). 

It's been great having Pattie around since Tyler has been busy plumbing. She has definitely become like a second husband to me. She helps me yell at the kids, compliments my cooking & clean house, asks me about my day, etc.- it's fabulous! We've also been able to have a couple girl's nights out. The latest one was at Cheesecake Factory where she told the hostess that it was our first date. Oh, Pattie. How I am gonna miss your witty sense of humor!

Anyways today was Leia's FIRST birthday so we had to celebrate!

 Tyler, ruining such a cute picture of perfectly posed Pattie (& Leia crushing on Tyler)

I think Pattie might be a bit more excited about the party than Leia...

At our parties pants are optional

At least one child is excited about eating a cupcake ;)

 Ben wants to help open the gift (can you tell Tyler wrapped it?)

We love Leia! Such a cute addition to our home- we'll miss her too!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Potty Time!?

My little, drooly Ben has been acting very interested in the potty lately. The other day he indicated that he needed to go potty so I took him into the bathroom but nothing happened. However, when I went to get him a new diaper I came back to some lovely pee spots on the carpet. Apparently, he really did need to go potty, I just think the bigness of it had scared him off.

So out has come the little potty which he loves to sit on (fully dressed) and make peeing sounds. I'm sure we are still ions away from being potty trained but it's pretty adorable so here's a cute video I shot of it.... (of course I had to prompt him because heaven forbid he perform willingly on camera ;) )

New Year Celebrations

This New Year's Eve we spent half of our evening with friends and the other half with family. 

The first half we spent at the Eric & Lexi's home. Pattie & Brian are good friends with them and since it was Brian's last night staying with us we decided to crash their party so that Tyler could a little bit more quality time with his buddy. They played a fun icebreaker game where you had to guess what character you were with yes or no questions. I was Tweety Bird & Tyler was Freddy Krueger. The boys had fun playing with their daughter's toys and the other kids that were there. Ben especially liked their daughter's pink shopping cart and he also enjoyed trying to squeeze through their doggy door.

At around 10pm we left to Tyler's house where there was said to be a plethora of firecrackers & sparklers. We were also thinking that his family would be there because they usually are. Sadly, though, most of his family wasn't there. But Tara's kids were there which made Steven happy & Tyler's mom & Keshia & Scott were there so we had some grown up company too.

Since it was just us we decided to light the firecrackers before midnight. Steven loved the firecrackers & sparklers but Ben was terrified of them, He spent that part of the night huddled in my arms. When all the noise makers were spent we headed home & were all in bed by 11:30. Totally lame I know but it worked well since we have 9am church this year :)

Love this picture of the boys reaction to the first firecracker 

Poor, pathetic Ben in tears because of the scary firecrackers