Friday, January 10, 2014


On Wednesday, December 18, 2014 Tyler graduated from ASU! It was truly a momentous occasion in the Hatch family for so many reasons. One reason being that he was the first in his family to graduate from college. Another reason being that he had worked 8 long years with me by his side (and a couple years before me) to obtain this degree. It was such a long, hard journey for both of us. When I was working full time as a teacher and a mom, there were plenty of times that I resented his need to go to school and I resented the fact that school was so hard for him. But he stuck with it and I stuck with him. And through it all he juggled so much: classes, homework, regular work, plumbing, cleaning the offices, church callings, and being a dad and husband.

And he made it! I couldn't be more proud of him and more grateful. I appreciate his ability to see the big picture and to have the insight that once he obtained this degree, things would be easier. And they are. I am now able to be a stay at home mom and instead of 3 jobs, he has 1. Just 1! 

Here are my silly kids at the ASU graduation at the Wells Fargo Arena:

The graduation ceremony itself was actually not that boring. There were some pretty silly speakers (these engineers actually have a sense of humor). There was also a fun rendition of "What does the fox say." However, Lucy was not amused by the speakers and I spent most of the time walking the aisles with her...

Tara took some pictures after the graduation. Hopefully I get those someday :)

That weekend we celebrated his graduation and our move to Michigan. It was a hopping party with plenty of friends and family present and lots of yummyness to partake of (hot chocolate, donuts, chips, pizza rolls...). My mom even had some games for the kids to play (throwing "snow balls" and making snowmen).

Here is Tyler with his Scouts and then a few others I took (I'm never good at remembering to take pictures at parties):

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