It's been a long, cold week. So cold that I have taken to hanging out with my friend, the space heater, ain't he swell!?
(Here I attempted to take a picture of me and the space heater and Lucy photo bombed it, ha! Love that silly girl!)
So cold that we had to break out the puffer vest for Lucy, ok really that thing isn't very warm but it is SO STINKING cute!
So cold that we've resorted to crafting because what better thing is there to do when it is freezing outside?

Actually I didn't craft so much, I only made this cute little candy heart picture that involved me eating one heart than gluing on another and then eating five hearts and then gluing on two... you get the picture? I did also try to make a new' H' for our door but for some reason I thought it would be a great idea to glitter it. I don't know what I was thinking. I abhor glitter, it gets everywhere except for where you want it too. So now my 'H' is sitting up high on a shelf, unfinished, shedding all over everything...I might finish it but it's looking doubtful

So cold this week that school was cancelled for Steven on Friday. So instead of going to school he helped me decorate the windows with this super fancy decorating material called, post-it-notes. That's right we made hearts out of post-it-notes. I think it turned out pretty fun :)
Also this week my Ben & Lucy have decided that they are anti-naps. I am not happy about this. Pretty much Ben has given up naps altogether. I'll put him down and an hour (or less) later he'll come out of his room. I still make him lie down for a bit but it's just not the same. Lucy, has decided two naps was just too much and now I'm lucky if I can get her down for 1 nap. Typically her one nap is just an hour and a half. And typically it is not at the same time that Ben lies down because she's fussy by 11:00 or so and he will not lie down until 12:30 or 1, usually when she's waking up. It means no more kid free time for mama, boo!
And also, I drove in some crazy snow today and survived. I went to an enrichment activity and when I was about a mile away from the church building it started snowing so hard I could barely see. Then on the way home there were some pretty massive swirling flakes (better visibility though). I still hate driving in it, it causes me anxiety BUT I'm starting to get the feel of HOW to drive in it. And I'm glad I drove in it, it was nice to meet some people in the ward, it seems like a nice bunch, I just got to work on bursting out of my shy shell....
P.S. I heard the distinct sound of several mice scurrying about and squeaking in the ceiling in Lucy's room the other day. Made me want to vomit. Ewwww! Time to buy mouse traps!
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