Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Eve Festivities

As tradition calls we spent Christmas Eve at Tyler's parent's house. There we enjoyed an amazing dinner, hang out with family, opened up our pajamas and went for a drive to see lights in a nearby neighborhood. Going to miss these traditions if we don't make it back to AZ next Christmas (honestly, who's going to make me such a delicious dinner!?). 

Steven with his adorable niece, Reese, and Lucy (who can't stay still)

It cracks me up how excited the boys get to open up their Pj's, honestly it's just PJ's ;) Steven's were like 5 sizes too big but he was nice to mommy and endured wearing them for the night. I love how Lucy wore hers around her neck like a scarf for awhile. She is always doing that, it's too funny!

Once in our PJ's I had to get a picture of me and the kids... 

...And then me & Ben got a little silly...

That night we got to bed super late so the kids easily fell fast asleep, Santa did not have to worry about them peeking at all ;)

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