Friday, January 10, 2014

8th Anniversary

On our 8th Anniversary Tyler had his second day of work. So this is the occasion I referred to previously where I took the boys to Main Street. Yes, I braved the cold (18 degrees) to find Tyler an Anniversary gift. Unfortunately Main Street is full of very girl oriented shops. Shops with cute knick knacks, cute things to decorate the house with, girl clothes & accessories, etc. So in the end, I got him chocolate, even though he is not much of a chocolate eater. But it's the thought that counts right!?

When he got home from work, my mom watched the kids while we went out to dinner. We first attempted to go to PF Changs but apparently everyone else was going there too. There was literally no parking spots there, lame! So we saw a Bahama Breeze nearby and decided to try that out instead. It was a good choice, lots of parking spots, sat down right away and the food was delish. 

Afterwards we strolled the aisles of Target, super romantic I know ;) And we bought a bunch of Christmas Candy on clearance- that was his gift to me. We are ridiculously lame, I know, but I love just spending kid free time with him.

I am so blessed to be married to this man who keeps me laughing and helps me to be a better person. I have a feeling, being far away from all our family this year, we are going to grow even closer together and learn to rely on each other more. I am excited for our future of eternity together.

1 comment:

  1. yay for the internet and blog catching up!!!!! great to hear some details about your first week :P i'm so glad your mom was there too. i would have died.
