Friday, January 10, 2014

First Week in Michigan

The Sunday after we arrived we were able to go to our new Ward for Sacrament (we had to leave after Sacrament to do a walk through of our rental house). It is a bigger ward than I expected, but definitely not as big as the one we left. It seems like a good mix of age groups. 

We met a nice couple behind us, the husband also works at the GM Proving Grounds. He informed us that most of the ward works at Ford and they are not in Engineer positions but management positions. He was excited to have a fellow GM employee and engineer in the ward. They also have a little girl Benny's age and one close to Lucy's age. 

We also met the Bishop, very friendly guy and he informed us that we were the answer to his prayers. My mom thinks that means he has high callings in mind for us, ha! I hope not!

On another note, we spent our first few days in a hotel. Wednesday morning we were supposed to check out of that hotel and then go check into another hotel but we decided it would be better to camp out in our house. Lucy was refusing to sleep unless she was in our bed (which is TERRIBLE) and the kids just couldn't handle being quiet in the rooms. It was just not going well.

So we did a huge Walmart run, got pillows, blankets, air mattresses (my mom got an amazing deluxe one),etc and set up camp in our home. Life was much better there. The kids had room to run and yell. We were able to store and cook our own food and there was even a yard to play in. 

While things were better in our house, it did get old after awhile. The temp's slowly dropped and a lot of snow was falling making playtime outside pretty unbearable and we had very little toys inside, just what fit in a small suitcase. I was so glad my mom was there to help keep me from going crazy, being confined in a pretty empty house with three kids, I much needed her. We spent a lot of time on her deluxe mattress, chatting and reading and surfing our phones. 

Here are some fun cold weather pic's (Yes, I did go out in the cold! Be impressed! I even walked to Main Street and visited the shops with the boys!)

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