Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Day

Christmas morning the boys came into our room around 6:30, though they evidently got up much earlier. Steven informed us that Santa did not put his gifts on the fireplace this time and after some coaxing I got him to admit that he already peeked at the loot.

Here are all the "kids" with their Santa gifts:

And here they are with more gifts. Spoiled as usual! In the bottom right they are holding the gifts they picked out for each other. Benny got Steven a small truck with a trailer and Steven got Benny a frog gumball machine:

Steven was more than happy to help Lucy open all her gifts. On the bottom left she is holding a yellow duck that Steven got for her and on the top right she is wearing a hat her Aunt Ragena made her:

And now our traditional picture of each kid and all their loot:

Then us grown ups with our loot. Don't I look like a big kid with my Minion Dave!?

After we did our Christmas thing we headed to his parent's house where we got to eat shrimp and crackers. We also got to Skype his sister Mariah. She got so emotional seeing her family, but she is still just as bubbly as she has always been. She has such a strong spirit and desire to share the gospel. I love that girl and am so proud of her.

Our last destination Christmas day was my parent' house. More spoiling occured, and we stuffed our faces with Christmas dinner. As usual it was a lovely, family filled Christmas day.

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