The movers came to box up our stuff the day after Christmas. It was pretty much insanity. I left the house each morning so the kids wouldn't get in the way and I came home each day to less stuff. The first day they unexpectedly packed our whole kitchen-- including all the dry and liquid goods which I had thought they had said they weren't allowed to pack. That meant a quick trip to Walmart so we could eat, only to realize when we got home that the canned food we had bought couldn't be opened. Thank you neighbors for lending us a can opener.
On Saturday our plane was scheduled to leave at 1pm. That meant we had some time in the morning before we needed to go to the airport. While the movers loaded up our stuff, I took the kids to Spinnaker Bay Park for one last hurrah. We love that park and have been there so often, sometimes just us and other times with all our church friends. So sad to say goodbye to it...
When the kids were done at the park we went for a walk in the neighborhood, I had the kids take some pictures by our neighborhood entrance. I also attempted to get a picture of the moving van and our house. None of the pictures turned out so well...
Then Tyler's parents came to say goodbye to us...

And then it was off to the airport. My dad and brother were kind enough to not only drive us there but to also help us with our stuff as we got checked in. My goodness was the airport busy but thankfully we got through each line smoothly and made it to our gate with some time to spare. We also got lucky and they were able to switch our seats so that we were all in a row together.

Once on the plane, the boys did such a good job sitting by their dad. They were entertained by all the toys, treats and activity books I had packed for them and, of course, they were entertained by the tablet.
Lucy sat by me and my mom. I am not going to lie, we gave her a little Benadryl to help encourage a nap. She didn't nap at first though, stayed awake and happy for about an hour, then she got fussy. After about 15 minutes of rocking and soothing she passed out and slept for a good hour. Then she was awake for the last hour of the flight and happy until the last few minutes when she was anxious to get out. All in all though, it went really well.
Once at the airport, we got luggage, caught the bus to the car rental place, got our extremely expensive rental SUV (which we ended up taking back because it was going to cost for 3 days what we could get another for 9 days), then we checked into our hotel and ended the night with some dinner at Wendy's.
Needless to say by the time we got back to the hotel we were pooped and ready for bed. Unfortunately we discovered Lucy does not sleep well in hotels (probably the whole sharing a room thing). It was not an awesome end to a long day....
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