Friday, January 10, 2014

Gingerbread Houses and Santa Cookies

The Monday before Christmas we had our traditional Gingerbread House making get together at the Hatch Home. It was oodles of fun as always, with Tyler and Travis competing as best architect and Keshia and Jezerea working hard to make something unique (this year it was a carousel). This year, the kids also got to make their own houses and that was way fun to watch. Both Steven & Ben did a great job.I loved the snowman Benny made by his house and I loved all the stories Benny made about about the bears and other things he stuck to his house. 

I had to leave early for one last girl's night so I didn't get a picture of Tyler's finished skyscraper but I'm sure, as you can tell from the pictures, it was pretty amazing. Travis apparently made a taller one but it was a lot less beautiful and a lot more botched together- or so Tyler says  ;)

The next day, Christmas Eve, we got together with my family to make cookies for Santa. My cousin, Breezy, was in town so she joined us. Rebecca was in charge of the cookies and they were made from scratch and tasted amazing! I was in charge of decorating materials which I failed at because apparently we were out of everything I thought we had. So there were lots of improvisations... As always though, it was lots of fun and very tasty:

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