Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lucy's News

So maybe she's not so happy about this news but we are ;) It was less than planned but it'll be fun to have two so close together, right!? Ok, honestly I'm a bit nervous about having this baby before Lucy's second birthday, I've never had two this close together! Plus I've always had babies in Arizona, with lots of family and friends close by! So I would be lying if I didn't say I was nervous about this baby but on the same token, I LOVE babies! And every time I see one or see a picture of one, I get excited. I love baby snuggles and cuddles and their overall cuteness so yeah for a baby on the way :)

And on to pregnancy details... I found out mid December. I had this thought, I'm late! But I also thought, no way I'm pregnant and then I took the test, freaked out, showed Tyler and that was that. First I've ever taken that was completely, assuredly positive. 

According to the internet I 'm 10 weeks along and due Aug 22nd. Once we FINALLY get our health insurance cards I'll get myself to a doctor. And for now, I have lovely bouts of queasiness throughout the day and moments where I feel completely exhausted but overall, I've had worse pregnancies ;). 

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