These week we became pretty official Michiganders. And I am not referring to the fact that my can looks like it's been in winter weather for years...

I'm not going to lie, I'm not thrilled about letting go of my AZ license plate (now I have no excuse for my bad driving!) but at least it was a painless process, very minimal waiting and the kid's behaved nicely (well except for Lucy trying to color on the nice man's desk...). In 2 weeks we will have our Michigan driver's licenses and be even more officially official.
And speaking of officially official, I got a library card to the public library. Oh my goodness, I'm in love with our new library! 1 point in Michigan's favor! Our old library was...old. At least the books seemed to be. I could never find recently published kid's books and many of the books were in crummy condition. Plus the set up of aisles in the kid's section was kind of crummy for watching kids.
This library's kid's section is HEAVEN! First off it is in a U-shape which means I can see the kids and find books for them at the same time. Second off at the head of the U there is a play place for the kids-- play kitchen, bin of dolls, puzzles, felt board, magnetic letters, etc... And thirdly, it is filled with nice, crisp, clean, new books and not just new as in never used but also new as in recently published. I love it! Did I already say that!? Needless to say, with it only being a few minutes away, we will be there often.
Also, this week are coffee table finally started to feel like it was home here in Michigan. Can you see the cut by Lucy's eyebrow? Yesterday, she did a dive off the couch right into the edge of the coffee table. It was awful :( And wouldn't you know that literally just 5 minutes later, Ben tripped into the coffee table and got a nice black and blue bruise under his eye. Two crying babies and Tyler off at church basketball (where he apparently was given a bloody nose)...yup, things are back to normal here.

Steven, my cheese ball, has graced this house with some funnies. Every night at dinner we try to ask the kids what their favorite part and worst part of their day was. One night, his response for the worst part of the day was (and keep in mind this is at the dinner table) "My poop taking so long to come out." Awesome. And a second funny, said after Tyler bought some rat bait and with genuine concern, "Do rat spirits go to heaven?"

I think another part of becoming a Michigander is getting your first winter energy bill (similar to getting your first summer energy bill in AZ). Let's say that the first digit was a 3 and it wasn't pretty. Darn, drafty, old house :(
And since getting to Michigan I have been trying to start practice the piano again, let's just say Lucy has other feelings about that...
And even though she just got face time above, I can't resist posting more pictures of my girly girl Lucy. Gosh I adore her so let's just end with her cuteness :)