Saturday, June 29, 2013

What We've Been Up To

-Tyler is turning 30 in a week and I am excited to throw him an awesome family party with a cereal & Lego theme. Here is the pictured that graced his Evites:

Are you cereal? Tyler's turning 30!

-The other week I went to Ikea with my mom & Rebecca. I wanted to buy everything but remained strong and only got a couple things. The boys also had fun getting to play at Smaland (a supervised play area) and we enjoyed some delicious lunch there. Here's what I bought at Ikea:

Awesome cups, now filled with art supplies, hanging on a bar above their craft table

Super cool dog tail hooks for the kid's bathroom. I then had to make some fun dog's in bathtub pictures for each kid. I need to work on hanging things a bit straighter though...

-A few days ago I was lying down with Ben to help him take a nap. When I came downstairs, Steven presented me with this sweet postcard:

He used to hate it when I asked him to write so I stopped bugging him. Now he's constantly writing! He writes letters to his Aunt Mariah, me, daddy and Ben and he writes in his workbooks (all on his own). He is even writing stories. Sure the only writing that is actual words are names or words he copies but I just love to see those random string of letters too. That's the first step!

He's obviously ready for kindergarten ;) Not only is he "writing" often but every afternoon he wants to do a craft or science. Some of things we have done: made a mailbox, mixed 2 primary colors in shaving cream in a plastic baggie, painted rocks, played with vinegar and baking soda, and painted bread with colored milk:

- I am amazed by how much Lucy grows everyday. She is army crawling around the house like crazy. Today I was taking a shower in my walk-in shower and who should appear fully clothed beneath me...Lucy! Needless to say she got a little wet.

She also flaps her hand at daddy when she sees him or when he leaves (and sometimes at other people too). It seems like she's figuring out how to wave at people. So much fun!

She is also finally interested in food--- much to my dismay. She is probably the messiest eater EVER. Drives my OCD self crazy!

And since she is finally eating, I decided it was time to pull out the Baby Bullet & Steamer my mom got me and get to work. Steven had fun helping make her peas, carrots and apples. It was super easy and I will be doing it again.

- This week we went to the Ceretta Candy Factory in Glendale. Not worth the drive :( We only got the tail end of the tour but that was fine because the kids weren't really  interested in hearing how candy is made. We were hoping to see it get made but the only machines that were working were behind other non-working machines so we didn't. Lame. There were also 3 summer camps there which made it very crowded. We could have made chocolate pizza but it cost $10 per person SO instead we consoled ourselves by buying $10 worth of delicious candy to share. There was also a video after the tour that showed some cool machines. It held the boys attention for a little bit. So good candy but not so good factory action.

And this week we finally made it to the library to collect our summer reading prizes. I love that the boys love to read with me regardless of prizes. But we still go get them anyways because I love the free book vouchers they all get and they love all the other silly cheap prizes they can choose from:

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