Monday, July 8, 2013

The 4th of July

The whole week before the 4th of July I was miserable. I always like to misdiagnosis myself so I thought maybe I had the flu--- I had a sore throat, achy body, fever, I would get hot & cold, no appetite, queasy, tired-- but a physician friend told me it was probably something else. Whatever it was, it was no fun. Thankfully Tyler was able to take off work early one day, and ditch his class another day to help out. My mom and dad also took the boys for a couple mornings. And now  (a whole week later) I am finally starting to feel normal- thank heavens!

Anyways, back to the 4th of July. I was feeling yucky that day but I couldn't miss out on the celebrations so I still went with my family to my parent's house. We had a BBQ, the boys splashed around in a kiddie pool and then we had some birthday cake to celebrate my dad's birthday (which was the next day). My mom was sweet enough to let Steven decorate my dad's cake. He did such a fabulous job ;) :

And when the sun went down it was time for fireworks. We kept with tradition and watched a nearby fireworks show at the park by my parent's house. We can't hear the music, and the booms aren't ear splitting and sometimes the lower fireworks hide behind a tree but I love it! We don't have to save a spot hours in advance and wait in the heat, we don't have to fight crowds and we don't have to endure awful exit traffic. It's perfect for us! 

This is Steven striking his "cool" pose 

Ben was so proud of himself for not being scared of the fireworks. He kept saying, "See mom. I'm not scared anymore! " And then he would run off by himself. At one point him & Steven were both running down the street in attempt to "touch" the fireworks. Silly boys!

Lucy was a little nervous at first but by the end she was more interested in the arm of my camping chair than actually watching the fireworks. Silly girl!

Another fun holiday bites the dust :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw man! I didn't know you were THAT sick. Poor girly. I'm glad it's all in the past. I was never that miserable - just an annoying cough that lasted a million years. Sad I missed the firework fun! Always next year :)
