Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mini Trip #2

My second adventure this week was to Tucson to visit Katrin and her daughter Anika (her husband was busy at work while we there). I have literally never driven that far by myself-- I really dislike driving, especially "long" distances. And for some reason I got 3 kids and thought, "hey if I can have 3 kids I can drive 2 hours with no other adults, I mean come on Jenny, it's only 2 hours." 

Only the thing is, now I have 3 kids. And I was the only adult in the car. And though I had this "genius" idea to put buckets of toys and food by Ben and Steven so I wouldn't have to try to get things while driving well... it was less than "genius" since Ben couldn't reach his stuff (thank you 5 point life saving harness). So let's just say there were a few stressful moments on the drive there but overall, it actually went superbly well.

Once there though, Lucy was a disaster. She was starving but didn't want to nurse. I finally decided just let her cry, we were going to the Tucson Zoo regardless. And it was a good decision because she fell asleep, and woke up much happier and ready to nurse (but not under a nursing cover so I became one of those ladies that I never wanted to become due to desperation). Anyways, I quite love the small scale of this zoo because it means less walking and easier viewage of animals. The kids seemed to have fun too and there was even a little splash area for them.        

After the zoo we went to Peter Piper Pizza to get some lunch. The pizza was yummy and the boys had a fabulous time chowing down and playing a few games. It was especially fun to watch them play Skee Ball. When they were done playing, they enjoyed picking out prizes. Steven took FOREVER to pick out his but at last decided on a tiny fish and a fake, gold coin.

After Peter Piper we hung out at her house for the afternoon. The kid's played different games (Giraffe Limbo, 5 Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, etc) and then they played around in the backyard. We were also lucky enough to have Katrin make us some delicious smoothies. 

It was a good trip, sure it included typical kid drama, but that's hard to avoid. It was nice to see my friend and it ended well. The drive home was very peaceful since the kid's all conked out- thank heavens! And now I feel like maybe I can venture out on a little trip alone with my kids again :)

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