Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Getaway Day 3

Sunday I got to the park a little past opening time and after seeing McQueen roll down the street, I had a yummy breakfast at Flo's Cafe. Btw, we never did get to go on the new Car's ride. Wait time was literally ALWAYS 75 minutes or more. Just not worth it :(

After that, I went on Tower of Terror with Leslie & Michelle. Tyler's sisters did not want to go on it and were making me SUPER nervous about it but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I quite enjoyed being terrorized in that tower. Then we got a wheel chair for Keshia, she's pregnant (with a friend for Lucy) and had been cramping the night before and was starting to feel bad again. I'm so surprised it didn't hit her sooner- she had been keeping up with all of us all that time!

Next we went on the Grizzly River Run which was good times! All the girls squealing when water came their way---it was too funny! 

Then we did a little more shopping and then it was off to get lunch and on to the airport where everything went smoothly--- except that Melissa left a large can of aerosol sunscreen in her carry on and Tara's pump worried a security employee. Fun times :)

And the first thing Steven says when he sees me, "Where's my lollipop?" I feel so loved. Here are the kids with their souvenirs.... 

1 comment:

  1. You are too good to your kids! When we went on the cruise they got dollar wallets and bracelets from Puerto Rico and Jaylee got shells from the beach in Haiti! Loren thinks souvenirs are such a waste of money so I couldn't get what I would have really wanted to. I was embarrassed mailing my Mom cheap things from her homeland because someone didn't want to spend more!
