Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Days

Starting with the sad news....Lucy has not been quite the same since I returned from my trip. I thought she was a bad nurser before but surprisingly, she was able to get worse. Feeding times were a mess so now I am currently only pumping. Isn't it ironic that now that I am not working and am perfectly able to nurse I have a baby that doesn't like to nurse? Part of the problem, I think, is that she got used to getting milk faster from a bottle. And the other part, I don't produce enough milk for her in the afternoon. And although I hate pumping and wanna just switch to formula, I may not be able to do that. She has been a hot mess lately and I think it might be because her tummy doesn't agree with the formula I was supplementing my milk with...or it could just be teething. I wish she could just tell me what's wrong :(

And on a sillier note...My boys:

Ben's new favorite way to get my attention? By saying "mom" softly, then a bit louder, and then even louder until he is practically shouting "MOM!" And he will only stop once I look at him and say something to him. Oh my goodness it can be frustrating when I am in the middle of something and he starts his tirade but at the same time, I must confess it's kind of adorable. I just wish he would understand that (unfortunately for him) I can't just drop everything and cater to him the second he needs me. I know, what kind of mom am I!?

Other tid bit about Ben...He is always putting on his clothes backwards! Always. No matter how many times I try to show him the right way. We got the VVL Clubhouse last week and were swimming when I realized his swim trunks were backwards and since I'm such a wonderful mom, I left them that way. And right now, as I write this, he has his "don't bug me" shirt on backwards. But on the bright side his shorts and underwear are on the correct way :) 

Steven informed me this week that when he grows up he wants to be a Walmart guy so he can bag people's stuff. That kid has big goals huh!? Tyler thinks I need to stop going to Walmart so much....

Also, Steven is now drawing bodies and arms on his people. I love that he loves to draw so much! It's fun to see his imagination "come to life." And if you know him at all, you know it's a big one!

And something new to us (as of the last couple weeks) is having a teenage babysitter over while I tutor. It's been so nice not having to make the drive to my mom's house and thankfully the kids have got along well with her. I just have to always remind myself to pay her :) I'm not used to doing that, sorry mom!

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