On our second day we once again had a late night the night before but we still got to the park when it opened. The parks were a little bit more busy but still not bad wait times. Things we did...
--Got my hair braided by Keshia while waiting in line for Space Mountain
--- More posing for roller coaster pictures--this time instead of being terrified, I'm sleeping through Space Mountain

---Watched Michael Jackson's video "Captain Eo" in 3-D

--- Rode Indian Jones again and then tried a Dole Pineapple Whip-- SO delicious! Made a great breakfast ;)
--- Traveled to Bea, CA and ate lunch and dessert (obviously) at Farrell's- an old fashioned ice cream parlour. I got an ice cream dish called Straw-Ana--it was divine! But not as enormous as Keshia & Jezerea's ice cream!
--- Went to Huntington Beach. It was FREEZING! The Hatch girls ventured into the ocean water but us in-laws hung back and stayed warm. Afterwards we did some shopping at some nearby shops.
---Went back to Disneyland to check out the fireworks show. We had to take a bathroom break before it started and got blocked from the spot where Leslie & Michelle were at. We were trying to figure out what to do when a guy asked us if we needed a spot to watch the fireworks at. He said he had a really good one and took us to it. It was really good! It was a special reserved spot and despite one women's protest (this is reserved spot and their names aren't on the list) we were able to bring Leslie & Michelle over to watch them with us! So lucky!
---Did some shopping (spent TOO much money on the kids) and then we saw Minnie Mouse- I love Minnie Mouse!
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