This past weekend I went with the in-laws (Leslie, Jezerea, Keshia, Melissa, Tara & Leslie's friend Michelle) to Anaheim, CA. It was loads of fun AND completely exhausting. I still feel like I'm recuperating and this is my second day home. I decided to split each day into it's own post so it wasn't one crazy long post. I don't have a ton of pictures because I was lazy but I did steal a few from Melissa on Facebook and I will HOPEFULLY be getting the one's Leslie took. She took lots of good ones!
We left Thursday night and our flight there was delayed, of course, so by the time we got our rental van and drove to the hotel and settled into bed it was almost 3am and I was SO tired. But somehow I got out of bed in time to get to Disneyland when it opened. We basically spent most of our day there and a little bit of the day at Ca Adventures. I have to say that we lucked out major because that day we got on pretty much every ride we wanted to go on and hardly spent anytime waiting. Typically we waited like 15 minutes and the most we waited was like 30 minutes. It was magical!
Tara and I also became pumping buddies that day- yeah for being nursing mothers! We rented a locker for pumps and milk (only to find out that the first aid center would keep the pumps for free) and we became regulars at the baby center (it had a nice curtained off spot for pumping that had an outlet).
I am such a spaz and would freak out before each "roller coaster," only to realize that they were NOT that scary- I have been to 6 Flags after all. I think I probably drove Tyler's family insane. Anyways, here's a list of the rides we went on that day : Space Mountain, Indiana Jones Adventure, Pirates of the Caribbean (twice), Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, It's A Small World, Matterhorn Bob Sleds, Mickey's Fun Wheel, California Screamin, and The Little Mermaid
The Hatch family is posers and before each flash everyone had to strike a pose. Sadly, I was not posing in this one...

After pumping, we came out just in time for the parade- so fun!
Waiting in line for the Matterhorn Bob Sleds. Oh my goodness that ride is SO not smooth! My whole body ached afterwards!
Michelle & Leslie were SO excited for It's A Small World
The rest of the gang....not so much...
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