Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mini Trip #1

This week I had no tutoring so...I got adventurous! On Monday, we joined Tyler on a trip to Payson to find a good spot for his archery adventure with his scouts. The area we checked out was beautiful! We took a small hike which was fun--minus Ben having a Ben moment. (The only pictures we have are from Tyler's phone and I can't figure out how to properly download them from skydrive so....not the best)

After our little hike we searched for the Tonto Fish Hatchery which Tyler said he knew exactly where it was. Only to find out he was exactly wrong. So we scratched that plan and stopped by Tonto Natural Bridge instead. We decided the hike down to the bridge would be too long for Ben (based on the melt down from the first one) so instead we went on a short jaunt down some steps to see what they called a "waterfall" (more like water trickling down a cliff side). Still pretty though.

Then we walked to 2 viewpoints of the natural bridge and had a semi close encounter with some active bees. I dislike bees greatly!

In the end though: Beautiful weather+ Beautiful scenery= Beautiful time with the family

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