Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lucy Girls

This morning I had some extra time and decided to take down a box of my baby clothing my mom had given me. In it I found this beautiful dress my mom had made and it looked like it might fit Lucy. So I tried it on and it fit perfectly! Imagine my amazement when I went I found the picture of me wearing it and the year on it was 1987! I am guessing it was taken around Easter so I was about 18 months old. Oh my chubby (almost) 7 month old girl! 

Everyone says she looks  a lot like me, what do you think?

Lucy and her silly daddy...

This week Lucy has been unhappy due to teething pain. She has 2 adorable teeth growing in on the bottom and one on top that looks like it will burst through any day now. Thankfully it hasn't affected her sleeping at night, but I think that's why naps have been tough lately. However, I've found if I let her nurse for a bit before putting her down she will nap a little better.

And Lucy with her silly brother...

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