Saturday, May 3, 2014

May Is Here

The other week we did a FHE on Emergency Preparedness and showed the kids what to do if their was a fire or a tornado. Tyler would turn on the appropriate alarms/sirens on his computer and the kids would do their thing. They had lots of fun with this and, of course, this got Steven obsessed with tornadoes (again). Using his awesome imagination, Steven came to us with these gems of wisdom:

"If you go high enough on a swing, a tornado can't get you."

"Tornadoes can't break metal."

I'm not sure we did a good enough job with our safety training for that kid...

This week I got another ultrasound. Everything is still well with Penny, and oh my goodness, she is still quite the performer. Here she is being camera shy (or, as my mom believes, shielding herself from the ultrasound waves):

While we were working on learning our ABC's this week, Benny decided to take a dry erase marker and color himself some "angry eyebrows" and a "beard":

Steven got home and was jealous of Ben's marked up face and decided to make himself into a tiger. He also drew faces on his hands and belly button:

But thanks to me, Lucy remained unmarked: 

Have I told you desert rats we are? We get super excited every time we see a squirrel in our yard-- which we shouldn't, because they are literally EVERYWHERE here! One time I was working with Ben at the kitchen table and he literally stopped mid sentence and screamed "Squirrel!" as he pointed to one in the tree out the window. It's just what we do here at the Hatch house:  

And let's end this post with my humiliation. It all has to do with a long straight road that leads to Steven's school and a mother's lead foot. I was literally deep in conversation with Steven on the exciting topic of Vampire Bats, when I saw the police office, saw my speed and groaned- I knew I was doomed. Sure enough, he pulled me over, literally right behind where all parents must enter to drop off their kids. That's right, they all had to go around me and give me the look of shame. And the icing on top? I had left my wallet at home. Somehow I got lucky, and the officer decided to let me off with a warning, "At least if you're going to speed, make sure you have your wallet." Then I got to go drop Steven off and listen to all his friends shout at him, "Steven!!! Your mom got in trouble!!!" Ugh. But the funny moment in the midst of it all, Steven says to me, "Daddy should get a ticket, not you! He's always speeding!!" See, I really am the better driver! At least according to Steven ;)

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